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Battery Level Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to get the voltage of AA battery inserted in the Base Dock.


How it works?

To get the battery voltage, a voltage divider circuit is connected to the battery. P0.04/AIN2 will be used to read out the voltage level. Here is the voltage divider circuit:

Build and Run the Example

The following steps show how to build and run the battery_level example:

  1. Navigate to the example directory:

    # For nRF52832-MDK board
    $ cd ./base-dock/examples/batte_level/nrf52832_mdk/armgcc
    # For nRF52840-MDK board
    $ cd ./base-dock/examples/batte_level/nrf52840_mdk/armgcc
  2. Connect nRF52832-MDK or nRF52840-MDK to your PC.

  3. Build the example and flash to the board.

    $ make flash_all
  4. Start a terminal application like PuTTY or screen and establish a UART connection.

    $ screen /dev/cu.usbmodem142310 115200
  5. The battery voltage will be printed on the console.

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