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Creating your own targets

This section describes how to create a new build target for your own mesh application.

Creating a new build target

The easiest way to create a new build target is to:

  1. Copy one of the example folders in nRF5-SDK-for-Mesh, e.g., examples/my_beaconing to examples/my_app.

  2. Add the folder to the examples/CMakeLists.txt with a add_subdirectory("my_app") command.

  3. Modify the target name in the first line of examples/my_app/CMakeLists.txt to set(target "my_app").

  4. Open terminal and change directory to:

    cd ./grove-mesh-kit
  5. Creat a build folder and change directory to it:

    mkdir build && cd build

  6. Generating build files with

    cmake -G Ninja -DTOOLCHAIN=gccarmemb -DPLATFORM=nrf52840_xxAA -DBOARD=nrf52840_mdk -DFLASHER=pyocd ../nrf_sdks/nRF5-SDK-for-Mesh/

  7. Build your new target with:

    ninja my_app

  8. Flash the target:

    ninja flash_my_app

API Reference

Check out the Mesh API Reference for resources.

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