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CircuitPython provides a variety of modules that can be used in your sample applications.

Here you can find documentation for these modules, including API reference.

Module Description
_bleio Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication
_pixelmap A fast pixel mapping library
adafruit_ble Higher-level Bluetooth Low Energy functionality, building on the native _bleio module
adafruit_bus_device Hardware accelerated external bus access
adafruit_hid USB Human Interface Device (HID) class
adafruit_pixelbuf A fast RGB(W) pixel buffer library for like NeoPixel and DotStar
aesio AES encryption routines
alarm Alarms and sleep
analogio Analog hardware support
array Arrays of numeric data
atexit Atexit Module
audiobusio Support for audio input and output over digital buses
audiocore Support for audio samples
audiomixer Support for audio mixing
audiomp3 Support for MP3-compressed audio files
audiopwmio Audio output via digital PWM
binascii Binary/ASCII conversions
bitbangio Digital protocols implemented by the CPU
bitmapfilter Convolve an image with a kernel
bitmaptools Collection of bitmap manipulation tools
board Board specific pin names
builtins Builtin functions and exceptions
busdisplay Displays a displayio object tree on an external device with a built-in framebuffer
busio Hardware accelerated external bus access
codeop Utilities to compile possibly incomplete Python source code
collections Collection and container types
countio Support for edge counting
digitalio Basic digital pin support
displayio Native helpers for driving displays
epaperdisplay Displays a displayio object tree on an e-paper display
errno System error codes
fontio Core font related data structures
fourwire Connects to a BusDisplay over a four wire bus
framebufferio Native framebuffer display driving
gc Control the garbage collector
getpass Getpass Module
gifio Access GIF-format images
i2cdisplaybus Communicates to a display IC over I2C
io Input/output streams
jpegio Support for JPEG image decoding
json JSON encoding and decoding
keypad Support for scanning keys and key matrices
keypad_demux Support for scanning key matrices that use a demultiplexer
locale Locale support module
math Mathematical functions
microcontroller Pin references and cpu functionality
micropython Access and control MicroPython internals
msgpack Pack object in msgpack format
neopixel Higher level NeoPixel driver that presents the strip as a sequence
neopixel_write Low-level neopixel implementation
nvm Non-volatile memory
onewireio Low-level bit primitives for Maxim (formerly Dallas Semi) one-wire protocol
os Functions that an OS normally provides
pwmio Support for PWM based protocols
rainbowio Rainbowio Module
random Pseudo-random numbers and choices
re Simple regular expressions
rotaryio Support for reading rotation sensors
rtc Real Time Clock
sdcardio Interface to an SD card via the SPI bus
select Wait for events on a set of streams
sharpdisplay Support for Sharp Memory Display framebuffers
storage Storage management
struct Manipulation of C-style data
supervisor Supervisor settings
synthio Support for MIDI synthesis
sys System specific functions
terminalio Displays text in a TileGrid
time Time and timing related functions
touchio Touch related IO
traceback Traceback Module
ulab Manipulate numeric data similar to numpy
usb_cdc USB CDC Serial streams
usb_hid USB Human Interface Device
usb_midi MIDI over USB
vectorio Lightweight 2D shapes for displays
watchdog Watchdog Timer
zlib zlib decompression functionality