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The ADC sample demonstrates using the analogio module to measure the voltage of the A0 pin.


Before you start, check that you have the required hardware and software:

Running the code

To run the code, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect iMX RT1011 Nano Kit to your computer using the USB-C Cable.
  2. Start Mu Editor, click Load to open in the CIRCUITPY drive.
  3. Copy and paste the following code into and click Save:

    import time
    import board
    from analogio import AnalogIn
    # Analog In 
    analog_in = AnalogIn(board.A0)
    # Convert ADC value to voltage in mV
    def get_voltage(ain):
        return (ain.value * 3300) / 65536
    while True:
  4. Your code will run as soon as the file is done saving. Click Serial on Mu Editor's Top Menu to open a serial console. You should see the console output, similar to what is shown in the following:

    Code stopped by auto-reload. Reloading soon.
    Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable. output:
  5. You can also use the plotter for data inspection. Click Plotter on Mu Editor's Top Menu to open up a plotter pane: