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Debugging with IAR Embedded Workbench


IAR's EWARM is a completely integrated development environment that supports CMSIS-DAP out-of-the-box.

This guide explains how to configure the local debug toolchain using M.2 Dock with IAR's EWARM.

What you'll need

Connecting the target

  1. Mount the nRF52840 M.2 Module
  2. Connect the Debugger USB port of M.2 Dock to your PC using the provided USB-C Cable
  3. A disk drive called M2-DOCK will be automatically detected by the computer.

Configuring the debugger

  1. Open your IAR project.
  2. Click Options from the Project menu.
  3. In the option window, select Debugger from the menu on the left. In the Setup tab, select CMSIS DAP from the Driver drop-down menu.

  4. In the Download tab, check Verify download and Use flash loader(s). Make sure that the correct .board file is used.

  5. Select CMSIS DAP from the menu on the left, select the Interface tab and configure the SWD protocol.

  6. Click OK to save the options.

Debugging your project

  1. Insert a Breakpoint in your code.
  2. Click the menu Project -> Download and Debug, and debugging starts.
  3. Now you can explore IAR's debugging capabilities.

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