The keboard has 64 programmable RGB LEDs. We are still working on the backlight. Before we get it done, you are able to customize the backlight in the macro_handler
. For example, we set 9 to red color when a macro key pressed, and turn into green color when the macro key is released:
def macro_handler(dev, n, is_down):
if is_down:
dev.backlight.pixel(9, 0xff, 0, 0)
dev.backlight.pixel(9, 0, 0xff, 0)
provides some basic fucntions to control the RGB LEDs
Backlight APIs¶
synchronizes with its buffer.pixel(i, r, g, b)
sets the bufffer of the LEDi
sets the global brightness of all LEDs (from 0 to 255)
Index of RGB LED¶
You can find the index of an LED here.
# ESC(0) 1(1) 2(2) 3(3) 4(4) 5(5) 6(6) 7(7) 8(8) 9(9) 0(10) -(11) =(12) BACKSPACE(13)
# TAB(27) Q(26) W(25) E(24) R(23) T(22) Y(21) U(20) I(19) O(18) P(17) [(16) ](15) \(14)
# CAPS(28) A(29) S(30) D(31) F(32) G(33) H(34) J(35) K(36) L(37) ;(38) "(39) ENTER(40)
#LSHIFT(52) Z(51) X(50) C(49) V(48) B(47) N(46) M(45) ,(44) .(43) /(42) RSHIFT(41)
# LCTRL(53) LGUI(54) LALT(55) SPACE(56) RALT(57) MENU(58) Fn(59) RCTRL(60)
No.61 and No.62 are under the space key. No.63 is at the back of keyboard.