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BLE HID Keyboard


The BLE HID Keyboard sample demonstrates how to use the GATT Human Interface Device (HID) Service to implement a keyboard input device that you can connect to your computer.

This sample code enumerates the nRF52840 Connect Kit into a BLE HID keyboard that has an A key connected to the USER button.


adafruit_ble and adafruit_hid are pre-built into CircuitPython as frozen modules, so that they can be imported in the code directly.


Before you start, check that you have the required hardware and software:

Running the code

To run the code, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect nRF52840 Connect Kit to your computer using the USB-C Cable.
  2. Start Mu Editor, click Load to open in the CIRCUITPY drive.
  3. Copy and paste the following code into and click Save:

    import board
    import digitalio
    from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
    from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
    from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
    import adafruit_ble
    from adafruit_ble.advertising import Advertisement
    from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement
    from import HIDService
    from import DeviceInfoService
    # USER button acts as A key on a keyboard
    key_a = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.USER)
    key_a.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
    key_a.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    # LED0 indicates A key is pressed
    led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED0)
    led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
    led.value = True
    # Use default HID descriptor
    hid = HIDService()
    device_info = DeviceInfoService(
        software_revision=adafruit_ble.__version__, manufacturer="Makerdiary"
    ble = adafruit_ble.BLERadio() = 'CIRCUITPY KEYBOARD'
    advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(hid)
    advertisement.complete_name =
    advertisement.appearance = 961
    scan_response = Advertisement()
    if ble.connected:
        for c in ble.connections:
    ble.start_advertising(advertisement, scan_response)
    keyboard = Keyboard(hid.devices)
    while True:
        while not ble.connected:
        while ble.connected:
            if not key_a.value:
                print("Key A pressed!")
                # Turn on LED0
                led.value = False
                while not key_a.value:
                    pass    # Wait for key A released
                # Type keycode `Shift+A`
      , Keycode.A)
                # Turn off LED0
                led.value = True
  4. Your code will run as soon as the file is done saving. A Bluetooth keyboard with the name CIRCUITPY KEYBOARD can be discovered by your computer. Connect to the keyboard.

  5. Open a text editor and press USER button on the board. Every button press sends a character A to your computer, and this will be displayed in the text editor.