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FAT Filesystem Example

The FAT Filesystem Example demonstrates the use of the filesystem API and uses the FAT file system driver to mount a microSD card connected over a SPI bus.

Before you start building, the Zephyr development environment should be set up correctly:

Build the example

You can find the source code and the project file of the example in the following folder: examples/zephyr/fat_fs.

Build the example by performing the following steps:

  1. Open terminal and navigate to the m2devkit directory created in the Setup the toolchain section:

    cd <sourcecode_root>/m2devkit
  2. Use west to build the example:

    west build -b nrf52840_m2 nrf52840-m2-devkit/examples/zephyr/fat_fs


If a build system is present, make the build folder pristine before building:

west build -t pristine

Flash the example

After compiled successfully, the firmware is located in m2devkit/build/zephyr with the name zephyr.hex.

Connect the debugger USB port to your PC using the provided USB-C Cable. A disk drive called M2-DOCK will be automatically detected by the computer.

Run the following command to flash the board:

west flash


Test the FAT Filesystem Example application by performing the following steps:

  1. Power down the board

  2. Insert a FAT formatted microSD card into the microSD slot

  3. Connect the debugger USB port to your PC

  4. Run a terminal application like PuTTY or screen:

    screen /dev/cu.usbmodem14102 115200
  5. Press RESET button, and observe the output of the terminal:

Create an Issue

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