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Running the nRF Sniffer

To start sniffing, place the nRF52840 MDK USB Dongle that runs the nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE firmware between the two devices that are communicating. Then open Wireshark and start recording packets.

Setting up hardware

Plug nRF52840 MDK USB Dongle into the USB port of your computer. Then place it between the Central and Peripheral device that you want to sniff.

Hardware setup

Wireshark capture setup

When you open Wireshark, the Wireshark capture screen is displayed. It includes the Wireshark interface for managing packets that are captured, the nRF Sniffer toolbar, and the hardware interfaces connected to the nRF Sniffer.


If the nRF Sniffer toolbar is not visible, select View > Interface Toolbars > nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE.

Wireshark Capture Screen

The following options are available from the capture screen in Wireshark:

RSSI filter

You can apply a RSSI filter on the packets that are being received. Only packets that match the filter are displayed.

You must set the capture filter in the capture screen by using the keyword rssi. For example, the filter rssi >= -70 only captures packets that have an RSSI greater than or equal to -70 dBm.

Wireshark RSSI Filter

Interface options

Click next to the interface to configure additional options for the nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE.

Wireshark Interface Options

The following options are available:

Only advertising packets

Sniff only the advertising packets of the given device. When a new connection is established, the nRF Sniffer ignores it.

Only legacy advertising packets

Sniff only the legacy advertising packets of the given device. The nRF Sniffer does not look for the advertiser's device address in extended advertising packets in the auxiliary advertising packets.

Find scan response data

Follow scan requests and scan responses when sniffing all advertising devices. This option is useful for finding the advertiser's name in the scan response data. You need an active scanner to generate the scan requests to follow.

Find auxiliary pointer data

Follow the auxiliary pointer for additional data when sniffing all advertising devices. This option is useful for finding the advertiser's address and name in the auxiliary advertising data.

Scan and follow devices on LE Coded PHY

Sniff on the LE Coded PHY when sniffing all advertising devices and a specific device. The nRF Sniffer follows the connection on any PHY it uses. To sniff on both LE 1M PHY and LE Coded PHY at the same time, use multiple sniffers.