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Modem Shell


The Modem Shell (MoSh) application enables you to test various connectivity features of the nRF9151 such as LTE link handling, TCP/IP connections, data throughput (iperf3 and curl), SMS, GNSS, FOTA updates and PPP.

MoSh uses the LTE link control driver to establish an LTE connection and initializes the Zephyr shell to provide a shell command-line interface for users.


The nRF9151 Connect Kit comes pre-programmed with the Modem Shell application, enabling you to explore its various features right out of the box.


Before you start, check that you have the required hardware and software:

  • 1x nRF9151 Connect Kit
  • 1x nano-SIM card with LTE-M or NB-IoT support
  • 1x U.FL cabled LTE-M/NB-IoT/NR+ Flexible Antenna (included in the box)
  • 1x U.FL cabled GNSS Antenna (included in the box)
  • 1x USB-C Cable
  • A computer running macOS, Ubuntu, or Windows 10 or newer

Set up your board

  1. Insert the nano-SIM card into the nano-SIM card slot.
  2. Attach the U.FL cabled LTE-M/NB-IoT/NR+ Flexible Antenna.
  3. Attach the U.FL cabled GNSS Antenna.
  4. Connect the nRF9151 Connect Kit to the computer with a USB-C cable.

Building the application

To build the application, follow the instructions in Getting Started Guide to set up your preferred building environment.

Use the following steps to build the Modem Shell application on the command line.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Go to NCS-Project/nrf9151-connectkit repository cloned in the Getting Started Guide.

  3. Build the application using the west build command, specifying the board (following the -b option) as nrf9151_connectkit/nrf9151/ns.

    west build -p always -b nrf9151_connectkit/nrf9151/ns applications/modem_shell

    The -p always option forces a pristine build, and is recommended for new users. Users may also use the -p auto option, which will use heuristics to determine if a pristine build is required, such as when building another application.


    This application has Cortex-M Security Extensions (CMSE) enabled and separates the firmware between Non-Secure Processing Environment (NSPE) and Secure Processing Environment (SPE). Because of this, it automatically includes the Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M).

  4. After building the application successfully, the firmware with the name merged.hex can be found in the build directory.

Flashing the firmware

Set up your board before flashing the firmware. You can flash the application using west flash:

west flash


In case you wonder, the west flash will execute the following command:

pyocd load --target nrf91 --frequency 4000000 build/merged.hex


After programming the application, test it by performing the following steps:

  1. Open up a serial terminal, specifying the correct serial port that your computer uses to communicate with the nRF9151 SiP:

    1. Start PuTTY.
    2. Configure the correct serial port and click Open:

    Open up a terminal and run:

    screen <serial-port-name> 115200

    Open up a terminal and run:

    screen <serial-port-name> 115200
  2. Press the DFU/RST button to reset the nRF9151 SiP.

  3. Wait for the LTE link to be established. Observe the output of the terminal. You should see the output, similar to what is shown in the following:

    All pins have been configured as non-secure
    Booting TF-M v2.1.0
    [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
    TF-M isolation level is: 0x00000001
    TF-M Float ABI: Hard
    Lazy stacking enabled
    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.9.99-98a5e50b9ac1 ***
    *** Using Zephyr OS v3.7.99-693769a5c735 ***
    Reset reason: PIN reset
    MOSH version:       v2.9.99-98a5e50b9ac1
    MOSH build id:      custom
    MOSH build variant: dev
    HW version:         nRF9151 LACA A0A
    Modem FW version:   mfw_nrf91x1_2.0.2
    Modem FW UUID:      320176d5-9f40-45fc-923b-2661ec18d547
    Modem domain event: Light search done
    Network registration status: searching
    Currently active system mode: NB-IoT
    LTE cell changed: ID: 180539199, Tracking area: 7464
    Modem domain event: CE-level 0
    RRC mode: Connected
    PDN event: PDP context 0 activated
    PDN event: PDP context 0, PDN type IPv4 only allowed
    Modem domain event: Search done
    Network registration status: Connected - home network
    PSM parameter update: TAU: 1800, Active time: -1 seconds
    Modem config for system mode: LTE-M - NB-IoT - GNSS
    Modem config for LTE preference: LTE-M is preferred, but PLMN selection is more important
    Currently active system mode: NB-IoT
    Battery voltage:       4520 mV
    Modem temperature:     28 C
    Device ID:             nrf-359404230074347
    Operator full name:   ""
    Operator short name:  ""
    Operator PLMN:        "46000"
    Current cell id:       180539199 (0x0AC2CF3F)
    Current phy cell id:   367
    Current band:          8
    Current TAC:           7464 (0x1D28)
    Current rsrp:          74: -67dBm
    Current snr:           35: 11dB
    Mobile network time and date: 25/02/12,14:49:28+32
    PDP context info 1:
    CID:                0
    PDN ID:             0
    PDP context active: yes
    PDP type:           IP
    APN:                cmnbiot
    IPv4 MTU:           1280
    IPv4 address:
    IPv6 address:       ::
    IPv4 DNS address:,
    IPv6 DNS address:   ::, ::
    RRC mode: Idle
  4. Type Tab to list all supported commands. When you type a command with --help, the terminal shows its usage, for example ping --help:

    at           clear        cloud_rest   curl         date         device       dl           fota         gnss
    gpio_count   heap         help         history      iperf3       kernel       link         location     ping
    print        rem          resize       rest         retval       shell        sleep        sms          sock
    startup_cmd  th           uart         version
    mosh:~$ ping --help
    Usage: ping [options] -d destination
    -d, --destination, [str] Name or IP address
    -t, --timeout, [int]     Ping timeout in milliseconds
    -c, --count, [int]       The number of times to send the ping request
    -i, --interval, [int]    Interval between successive packet transmissions
                            in milliseconds
    -l, --length, [int]      Payload length to be sent
    -I, --cid, [int]         Use this option to bind pinging to specific CID.
                            See link cmd for interfaces
    -6, --ipv6,              Force IPv6 usage with the dual stack interfaces
    -r, --rai                Set RAI options for ping socket. In order to use RAI,
                            it must be enabled with 'link rai' command.
    -h, --help,              Shows this help information
  5. Use ping command to test the reachability of a host on an IP network. For example:

    ping -d  # (1)!
    1. Terminal
      mosh:~$ ping -d
      Initiating ping to:
      Modem domain event: CE-level 0
      RRC mode: Connected
      Source IP addr:
      Destination IP addr:
      Pinging results: time=0.316secs, payload sent: 0, payload received 0
      Pinging results: time=0.927secs, payload sent: 0, payload received 0
      Pinging results: time=0.912secs, payload sent: 0, payload received 0
      Pinging results: time=0.907secs, payload sent: 0, payload received 0
      Ping statistics for
          Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)
      Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
          Minimum = 316ms, Maximum = 927ms, Average = 765ms
      Pinging DONE
  6. Use gnss command to test the GNSS functionality:

    gnss start

    Observe that the following information is displayed upon acquiring a fix:

    Fix valid:          true
    Leap second valid:  false
    Sleep between PVT:  false
    Deadline missed:    false
    Insuf. time window: false
    Velocity valid:     true
    Scheduled download: false
    Execution time:     52587 ms
    Time:              22.02.2025 07:29:24.141
    Latitude:          22.694009
    Longitude:         113.941902
    Accuracy:          3.5 m
    Altitude:          103.4 m
    Altitude accuracy: 5.5 m
    Speed:             0.1 m/s
    Speed accuracy:    0.6 m/s
    V. speed:          0.2 m/s
    V. speed accuracy: 0.6 m/s
    Heading:           0.0 deg
    Heading accuracy:  180.0 deg
    PDOP:              4.6
    HDOP:              2.6
    VDOP:              3.7
    TDOP:              3.4
    Google maps URL:,113.941902
    SV:  22 C/N0: 38.7 el: 42 az: 331 signal: 1 in fix: 1 unhealthy: 0
    SV:  17 C/N0: 37.7 el: 43 az: 325 signal: 1 in fix: 1 unhealthy: 0
    SV:  14 C/N0: 39.7 el: 63 az: 342 signal: 1 in fix: 1 unhealthy: 0
    SV: 195 C/N0: 40.2 el: 63 az:  55 signal: 3 in fix: 1 unhealthy: 0
    SV: 194 C/N0: 38.9 el: 61 az:  92 signal: 3 in fix: 1 unhealthy: 0
    SV:   1 C/N0: 40.1 el: 37 az:  35 signal: 1 in fix: 1 unhealthy: 0
    SV:   3 C/N0: 32.6 el: 40 az:  97 signal: 1 in fix: 1 unhealthy: 0
    SV: 199 C/N0: 31.3 el:  0 az:   0 signal: 3 in fix: 0 unhealthy: 0
    SV:  19 C/N0: 24.5 el:  0 az:   0 signal: 1 in fix: 0 unhealthy: 0

    To turn off the GNSS, run the following command:

    gnss stop

    Optimize GNSS reception

    • GNSS signals do not usually penetrate ceilings or other structures that well. For best GNSS performance, the antenna should be placed outside on a flat surface in an open space far from sources of interference and other structures that can block the satellite signals.
    • The GNSS patch antenna achieves the highest gain when placed horizontally on a surface (x-y) facing the z-axis since it can receive all propagated GNSS signals. A lower gain is experienced if the patch antenna is mounted at an angle.
  7. Try more commands to explore different connectivity features of the Modem Shell application.