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nRF Cloud Device Provisioning


The nRF Cloud Device Provisioning sample demonstrates how to use the nRF Cloud device provisioning service on the nRF9151 Connect Kit.

The sample shows how the device performs the following actions:

  • Connects to nRF Cloud Provisioning Service.
  • Fetches available device-specific provisioning configuration.
  • Decodes the commands.
  • Acts on any AT commands, if available.
  • Reports the results back to the server. In the case of an error, stops processing the commands at the first error and reports it back to server.
  • Sends FINISHED response if all the previous commands are executed without errors provided and FINISHED is one of the set provisioning commands.


Before you start, check that you have the required hardware and software:

  • 1x nRF9151 Connect Kit
  • 1x nano-SIM card with LTE-M or NB-IoT support
  • 1x U.FL cabled LTE-M/NB-IoT/NR+ Flexible Antenna (included in the box)
  • 1x USB-C Cable
  • A computer running macOS, Ubuntu, or Windows 10 or newer

Don't have an nRF Cloud account?

To connect your device and use nRF Cloud services, you must create an nRF Cloud account:

  1. Go to the nRF Cloud portal and click Register.
  2. Enter your email address and choose a password.
  3. Click Create Account.
  4. Check for a verification email from nRF Cloud.


    If you do not see the verification email, check your junk mail folder for an email from

  5. Copy the six-digit verification code and paste it into the registration dialog box.


    If you accidentally closed the registration dialog box, repeat Step 1 and click Already have a code?. Enter your email address and verification code.

You can now log in to the nRF Cloud portal with your email and password. After logging in, you can see the Dashboard view that displays your device count and service usage.

Set up your board

  1. Insert the nano-SIM card into the nano-SIM card slot.
  2. Attach the U.FL cabled LTE-M/NB-IoT/NR+ Flexible Antenna.
  3. Connect the nRF9151 Connect Kit to the computer with a USB-C cable.

Building the sample

To build the sample, follow the instructions in Getting Started Guide to set up your preferred building environment.

Use the following steps to build the nRF Cloud Device Provisioning sample on the command line.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Go to NCS-Project/nrf9151-connectkit repository cloned in the Getting Started Guide.

  3. Build the sample using the west build command, specifying the board (following the -b option) as nrf9151_connectkit/nrf9151/ns.

    west build -p always -b nrf9151_connectkit/nrf9151/ns samples/nrf_provisioning

    The -p always option forces a pristine build, and is recommended for new users. Users may also use the -p auto option, which will use heuristics to determine if a pristine build is required, such as when building another sample.


    This sample has Cortex-M Security Extensions (CMSE) enabled and separates the firmware between Non-Secure Processing Environment (NSPE) and Secure Processing Environment (SPE). Because of this, it automatically includes the Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M).

  4. After building the sample successfully, the firmware with the name merged.hex can be found in the build directory.

Flashing the firmware

Set up your board before flashing the firmware. You can flash the sample using west flash:

west flash


In case you wonder, the west flash will execute the following command:

pyocd load --target nrf91 --frequency 4000000 build/merged.hex


After programming the sample, test it by performing the following steps:

  1. Open up a serial terminal, specifying the correct serial port that your computer uses to communicate with the nRF9151 SiP:

    1. Start PuTTY.
    2. Configure the correct serial port and click Open:

    Open up a terminal and run:

    screen <serial-port-name> 115200

    Open up a terminal and run:

    screen <serial-port-name> 115200
  2. Press the DFU/RST button to reset the nRF9151 SiP.

  3. Wait for the LTE link to be established. You should see the output, similar to what is shown in the following:

    All pins have been configured as non-secure
    Booting TF-M v2.1.0
    [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
    TF-M Float ABI: Hard
    Lazy stacking enabled
    [00:00:00.541,412] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Establishing LTE link ...
    [00:01:26.375,061] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Provisioning new certificate
    [00:02:21.829,528] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Modem connection restored
    [00:02:21.839,080] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Waiting for modem to acquire network time...
    [00:02:24.850,982] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Network time obtained
    [00:02:25.033,386] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Checking for provisioning commands in 3s seconds
    [00:02:28.044,403] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Provisioning started
    [00:02:28.159,698] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Requesting commands
    [00:02:36.961,242] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Connected
    [00:02:36.969,207] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: No more commands to process on server side
    [00:02:36.980,072] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Provisioning stopped
    [00:02:36.989,227] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Checking for provisioning commands in 86402s seconds
  4. Type nrf_provisioning token command and press the Enter key Enter to get the device’s attestation token.

  5. Log in to the nRF Cloud portal. Claim the board by performing the following steps:

    1. Select Security Services -> Claimed Devices.
    2. Click the Claim Device button. A pop-up opens.
    3. Leave the default type Single selected.
    4. Paste the attestation token into the Claim Token field.
    5. Select Create new rule for onboarding to nRF Cloud so it is toggled on. This enables auto-onboarding and creates a rule that you can use later to onboard additional devices. Creating a rule also adds an associated provisioning group.
    6. Change the name of the rule, if desired.
    7. The default security tag for the nRF Cloud samples is 16842753. Leave this default value as is for initial onboarding.
    8. Leave the default Root CA Certificates option All selected. This allows the device to use both CoAP and MQTT/REST to connect to nRF Cloud.
    9. The Device Management Groups, Supported Firmware Types, and Device Subtype fields are optional. You can leave them blank.
    10. Click the Create Rule and Claim Device button.

    The device is now claimed and ready to use the nRF Cloud Provisioning Service. It appears in the Claimed Devices list in a provisioning group for the newly created rule.

  6. To enforce the connection to the provisioning service, press the DFU/RST button to reset the nRF9151 SiP.

  7. Verify in the terminal that the device checks for provisioning commands and runs them. You should see the output, similar to what is shown in the following:

    All pins have been configured as non-secure
    Booting TF-M v2.1.0
    [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
    TF-M Float ABI: Hard
    Lazy stacking enabled
    [00:00:00.541,442] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Establishing LTE link ...
    [00:01:21.382,537] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Checking for provisioning commands in 3s seconds
    [00:01:24.393,554] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Provisioning started
    [00:01:24.507,537] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Requesting commands
    [00:01:32.932,800] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Connected
    [00:01:32.943,847] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Processing commands
    [00:01:33.546,997] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Disconnected from network - provisioning paused
    [00:02:26.529,174] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Disconnected from network - provisioning paused
    [00:02:29.311,004] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Connected; home network - provisioning resumed
    [00:02:29.321,838] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Modem connection restored
    [00:02:29.331,390] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Waiting for modem to acquire network time...
    [00:02:32.343,444] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Network time obtained
    [00:02:32.352,874] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Sending response to server
    [00:02:35.658,569] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Requesting commands
    [00:02:38.420,654] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Connected
    [00:02:38.431,701] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Processing commands
    [00:02:39.059,326] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Disconnected from network - provisioning paused
    [00:03:31.971,496] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Disconnected from network - provisioning paused
    [00:03:36.402,374] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Connected; home network - provisioning resumed
    [00:03:36.413,208] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Modem connection restored
    [00:03:36.422,729] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Waiting for modem to acquire network time...
    [00:03:39.434,692] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Network time obtained
    [00:03:39.443,969] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Sending response to server
    [00:03:42.438,201] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Provisioning stopped
    [00:03:42.447,296] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Provisioning done, rebooting...
    [00:03:42.801,940] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Disconnected from network - provisioning paused
    uart:~$ All pins have been configured as non-secure
    Booting TF-M v2.1.0
    [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
    TF-M Float ABI: Hard
    Lazy stacking enabled
    [00:00:00.520,874] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Establishing LTE link ...
    [00:01:23.054,931] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Checking for provisioning commands in 3s seconds
    [00:01:26.065,979] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Provisioning started
    [00:01:26.179,962] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Requesting commands
    [00:01:34.705,780] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Connected
    [00:01:34.713,775] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: No more commands to process on server side
    [00:01:34.724,609] <inf> nrf_provisioning_sample: Provisioning stopped
    [00:01:34.733,764] <inf> nrf_provisioning: Checking for provisioning commands in 86400s seconds
  8. After the device finishes processing provisioning commands, the device status is now shown as PROVISIONED.