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Update the Interface MCU Firmware


This guide describes how you can update the application firmware and bootloader of the Interface MCU on the nRF9151 Connect Kit.


Before you start, check that you have the required hardware and software:

  • 1x nRF9151 Connect Kit
  • 1x USB-C Cable
  • A computer running macOS, Ubuntu, or Windows 10 or newer

Update the application firmware

The application firmware is compatible with the UF2 Bootloader, so that you can easily update the firmware by just copying the .uf2-format file to the flash drive without using an external programmer.


The pre-built firmware will be published on GitHub Releases. Alternatively, you may build your own firmware by completing the steps in the Interface MCU Firmware documentation.

To update the firmware, complete the following steps:

  1. Push and hold the DFU/RST button and connect your board to the USB port of your computer. Release the DFU/RST button after your board is connected.

  2. It will mount as a Mass Storage Device called UF2BOOT. The RGB LED is breathing in red.

  3. Drag and drop .uf2-format file onto the UF2BOOT volume. The RGB LED blinks red rapidly during programming.

  4. The application starts running after the firmware programming is completed.


You may experience the following errors when copying the firmware to the UF2BOOT drive on macOS 14.5 or newer:

$ cp build/ifmcu_firmware/zephyr/zephyr.uf2 /Volumes/UF2BOOT
cp: /Volumes/UF2BOOT/zephyr.uf2: fcopyfile failed: Input/output error
cp: /Volumes/UF2BOOT/zephyr.uf2: fchmod failed: No such file or directory

Currently you can ignore these errors as the firmware programming is completed and the application should work as expected.

Update the UF2 Bootloader

The UF2 Bootloader is self-upgradable, and you can simply update the bootloader by just copying the .uf2-format file to the flash drive without using an external programmer.


The pre-built bootloader will be published on GitHub Releases with the name update-nrf9151_connectkit_nrf52820_uf2boot-<version>.uf2.

To update the bootloader, complete the following steps:

  1. Push and hold the DFU/RST button and connect your board to the USB port of your computer. Release the DFU/RST button after your board is connected.

  2. It will mount as a Mass Storage Device called UF2BOOT. The RGB LED is breathing in red.

  3. Open INFO_UF2.TXT in the UF2BOOT volume with a text editor, and check the current version of bootloader. The figure below shows we are running the 1.0.0 version.

  4. Drag and drop a newer .uf2-format bootloader onto the UF2BOOT volume. The RGB LED blinks red rapidly during programming.

  5. The new bootloader starts running after the firmware programming is completed.

  6. Re-enter the UF2 Bootloader mode, and verify the version printed in INFO_UF2.TXT.


You may experience the following errors when copying the firmware to the UF2BOOT drive on macOS 14.5 or newer:

$ cp build/ifmcu_firmware/zephyr/zephyr.uf2 /Volumes/UF2BOOT
cp: /Volumes/UF2BOOT/zephyr.uf2: fcopyfile failed: Input/output error
cp: /Volumes/UF2BOOT/zephyr.uf2: fchmod failed: No such file or directory

Currently you can ignore these errors as the firmware programming is completed and the application should work as expected.

Recovery from a broken UF2 Bootloader

If your device fails to enter the bootloader mode, you may need to perform a recovery from a broken UF2 bootloader. To re-program the UF2 Bootloader, an external debug probe is needed.


The pre-built bootloader will be published on GitHub Releases with the name nrf9151_connectkit_nrf52820_uf2boot-<version>.hex.

The SWD port of Interface MCU (nRF52820) is exposed on the bottom of the board. Note that the signal voltage levels of SWD should match to VDD_GPIO.

The following figure illustrates the SWD port of the Interface MCU (nRF52820):