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NFC Tag Example


The NFC Tag Example demonstrates how to use the NFC tag to expose a URL record to NFC devices.

When the application starts, it initializes the NFC tag and generates a URI message with a URI record containing the URL Then it sets up the NFC library to use the generated message and sense the external NFC field. The only events handled by the application are the NFC events.


Before you start building, remember to set up the nRF5 SDK development environment first. See Setup the nRF5 SDK for details.

Building the example

You can find the source code and the project file of the example in the following folder: pitaya-go/examples/peripheral/nfc/record_url.

Open terminal and navigate to the directory with the example Makefile:

cd ./pitaya-go/examples/peripheral/nfc/record_url/armgcc

Run make to build the example:


Programming the firmware

If compiled successfully, the firmware is located in nfc/record_url/armgcc/_build with the name nrf52840_xxaa.hex.

While pushing the USER button, press the RESET button to enter the DFU mode. Then program the firmware using the nRF Connect for Desktop tool.


See Programming section for details about how to program your Pitaya Go.


Test the NFC Tag Example with a smartphone or a tablet with NFC support by performing the following steps:

  1. Connect the additional NFC PCB Antenna to Pitaya Go through the U.FL connector.

  2. Touch the NFC PCB Antenna with the smartphone or tablet and observe that BLUE LED is lit.

  3. Observe that the smartphone/tablet tries to open the URL in a web browser.

  4. Move the smartphone/tablet away from the NFC PCB Antenna and observe that BLUE LED turns off.

One more example

There is another NFC Tag Example showing how to use the NFC tag to launch an app(such as Twitter) on an Android Phone that supports NFC.

You can find the source code and the project file of the example in the following folder: pitaya-go/examples/peripheral/nfc/record_launch_app.

The steps to test this example should be similar as described above.

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