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Getting Started with OpenThread


This section describes how to quickly run an OpenThread example without going through the complete toolchain installation.

There is no need to build any firmware for running it, as it uses the pre-built firmware of OpenThread CLI. This application demonstrates a minimal OpenThread application that exposes the OpenThread configuration and management interfaces via a basic command-line interface.

Hardware Requirements

A minimal OpenThread Mesh network requires at least two nodes. Before starting to work, prepare the following parts:

  • Two or more Pitaya Go boards
  • A macOS, Linux or Windows computer

Flashing the OpenThread CLI

Before running the OpenThread CLI application, you need to flash the boards. The pre-built firmware is located in pitaya-go/firmware/openthread/cli folder.

  1. Connect one Pitaya Go board to your PC using the USB-C cable.

  2. While pushing the USER button, press the RESET button to enter the DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode. Then program the firmware using the nRF Connect for Desktop tool.

  3. Label the board Node#1 so that later you don't confuse the boards.

  4. Program the other board by repeating steps as described above. Label them Node#2


See Programming section for details about how to program your Pitaya Go.

Running the OpenThread CLI

You can access the OpenThread CLI by using a serial terminal like screen or PuTTY.

Start Node#1

  1. Open a terminal window and run:

    screen /dev/cu.usbmodemD2E39D222D781 115200
    where /dev/cu.usbmodemD2E39D222D781 is the port name of the board. Replace it with your owns.

  2. Press Enter on the keyboard to bring up the OpenThread CLI > prompt.

  3. Generate, view, and commit a new Active Operational Dataset:

    > dataset init new
    > dataset
    Active Timestamp: 1
    Channel: 24
    Channel Mask: 07fff800
    Ext PAN ID: 57a7486ff74c8538
    Mesh Local Prefix: fda9:4820:7a9c:66ba/64
    Master Key: aa8da3931ffcbcb26c8b4b7c9b4114c1
    Network Name: OpenThread-4d92
    PAN ID: 0x4d92
    PSKc: 22537a67d4040e34848d6d82ca2c313c
    Security Policy: 0, onrcb
    > dataset commit active
  4. Bring up the IPv6 interface:

    > ifconfig up
  5. Start Thread protocol operation. Observe that the GREEN LED is lit.

    > thread start
  6. Wait a few seconds and verify that the device has become a Thread Leader:

    > state
  7. View IPv6 addresses assigned to Node#1's Thread interface:

    > ipaddr

Start Node#2

  1. Start another terminal window and enter the CLI.

  2. Configure Thread Master Key and PAN ID from Node#1's Active Operational Dataset:

    > dataset masterkey aa8da3931ffcbcb26c8b4b7c9b4114c1
    > dataset panid 0x4d92
    > dataset commit active
  3. Bring up the IPv6 interface:

    > ifconfig up
  4. Start Thread protocol operation. Observe that the GREEN LED is lit.

    > thread start
  5. Wait a few seconds and verify that Node#2 has become a Thread Child or Router:

    > state

Ping Node#1 from Node#2

In the CLI of Node#2, ping Node#1:

> ping fda9:4820:7a9c:66ba:4d7b:9ef4:cbdf:8cd3
16 bytes from fda9:4820:7a9c:66ba:4d7b:9ef4:cbdf:8cd3: icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=87ms

Observe that the LEDs on Node#1 will blink when receiving the ping request.

Next Steps

Congratulations! You have built a simple OpenThread Mesh network with two Pitaya Go boards.

You may use the CLI to change network parameters, other configurations, and perform other operations. See the OpenThread CLI Reference to explore more.

Follow the Setup the Thread SDK section to set up the Thread development environment on your system.

Check out the Build and Run a Thread example guide to build a Thread example.

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